2.1 Equipment
-12 Eveready AA batteries
-12 Energizer AA batteries
-1 Sub-zero temperature fridge
-1 8°C fridge
-3 battery holders.
-6 motors
-6 crocodiles clip wires
-1 datalogger
-1 datalogger charger
-3 voltage sensor
2.2 Diagram
2.3 Procedures
1) Put a pair of Eveready batteries in the subzero temperature freezer for 15 minutes.
2) Put a pair of Eveready batteries in the 8°C fridge for 15 minutes.
3) Leave a pair of Eveready batteries outside at room temperature for 15 minutes.
4) After 15 minutes, take the batteries out from their respective location stored.
5) Put the batteries which are stored in sub-zero temperature into the battery holder connected to the datalogger Channel 3.
6) Put the batteries which re stored in 8°C into the battery holder connected to the datalogger’s Channel 2.
7) Put the batteries which are stored at room temperature into the battery holder connected to the datalogger Channel 1
8) Leave the circuit to run for 24 hours.
9) After 24 hours, one of us have to go to the lab and record the reading before disconnecting the circuit.
10) Repeat steps 1-9 for the Energizer batteries.
2.4 Risk Assessment and Management
-Make sure hands are not wet when handling the circuit. This is to prevent electrocution.
-Make sure no wires are sticking out when experiment is underway or when handling the circuit. This is to prevent electrocution and also to prevent short circuit.
2.5 Data Analysis
We planned to use 3 different temperatures: one subzero temperature, one just above 0°C, and one room temperature. We want to put a pair of our batteries at each temperatures and measure their voltage at the start and at the end of the experiment using a datalogger. We then would calculate the amount of voltage lost after 24 hours.
We used the fridge and the freezer from the engineering lab for the colder temperatures (0 and subzero). We got managed to get the different temperatures: sub-zero, 0, and room temperatures. Their stored: -23°C, 8°C, and 24°C.